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  2. Manage Products Listings

What is a Product?

Learn what a product is, the attributes a product includes, and where to find a product.

product is the information stored in your Listing Mirror account about the items you sell.

When a marketplace is first connected, Listing Mirror imports a copy of listing data and uses it to create the product. 

Listing Mirror then uses product data to create your marketplace-specific listings.


Some marketplace-specific listings may not be imported into Listing Mirror. Learn more about the criteria for listings to be imported.

Product data includes:

  • Title
  • SKU
  • Description 
  • Bullet Points
  • Images
  • Category
  • Condition
  • Brand
  • ASIN
  • Price
  • Images
  • Weight and dimensions
  • Product identifiers like UPC and MPN
  • Variations (if applicable)

⚠️ Important: Inventory quantities are tied to your product.

⚠️ Are you using different SKUs for the same product across various marketplaces?

These SKUs must be joined under ONE product in order for Listing Mirror to accurately track quantities: Join similar market listings under one product 


Where to find products

Your Manage Listings page (Listings > Manage Listings) can be divided into 2 sections with Products on the left and Marketplace listings on right:



To view a SKUs product page, go to the Manage Listings and click the item's title. To view a SKU's marketplace listing page, click the edit icon in the marketplace's column.


Key Features

Here are some of the key features of a Product page:

  1. You can edit listing details like title, description, images, and more for multiple marketplace listings at once: Update Product Details
  2. You can refresh product details: Refresh product details individually or in bulk
  3. You can add variations: Add variations to a product in your inventory