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Edit individual marketplace listings

Learn how to edit individual market listings based on the marketplace

The Market Listing is the home of your marketplace-specific listing. Here, you can view unique information, input marketplace-specific data, and review any errors, warnings, and incomplete messages.

Manage your listing details


Listing tab

The Listing tab is where you'll update your primary listing details. Since each marketplace is different, they may have unique fields. It's important to remember that the Product Catalog contains general information, but will lack marketplace-specific data.

Examples include eBay's business policies, Etsy's shipping profile, or Walmart's Prop 65 warning.

The fields under Parent Listing Fields heading will update across all variations, while the fields under the Child Listing Fields heading are unique to the listing.

An example of a Parent Listing Field would be Variation Names, while a Child Listing Field would be a SKU, or price.

Category tab

The Category tab allows you to set the category, and the category-specific information for your listing. Every marketplace doesn't have traditional categories, so this tab may be missing from certain marketplace listings. Some examples include Shopify and Wish.

After selecting your category, you may need to fill out additional information. Below the category selector, you'll see data fields, where you can input information. All required fields will be marked with a red asterisks.

Images tab

The Images tab allows you to set unique marketplace images. If you elect to use this tab, the images will no longer be sourced from the Product Catalog. Upload your images, and sort them in the order you want them to appear on the marketplace. For variations, you'll want to assign all images to a single listing, then use the Actions dropdown to navigate to the Edit Variation Images page.

To go back to using the Product Catalog for your images, click the Actions dropdown, followed by Sync PC Images.

Variations tab

The Variations tab shows all your child information. This includes based information, such as title, SKU, price, and variation values, but all child fields as well. Clicking the Bulk Edit Field dropdown allows you to change all child information in bulk.

Manage your listing details in bulk


The Market Listing Core Edit template allows you to edit any information on the Listing tab, as well as what category the listing is in.

  1. Go to Reports and select Import/Export from the menu. 
  2. Select Market Listing Core Edit template from the menu.
  3. Select the desired integration, followed by Download Template.
  4. Open the sheet and input all the desired information.
  5. Head back to the Import/Export page, and click Upload Template.

Additional details can be found in our support article: How to use the Market Listing Core Edit spreadsheet


The Category Specific Add/Update template allows you to edit any information on the Category tab. Not all markets have categories, so you can only use this for those that do.

  1. Go to Reports and select Import/Export from the menu. 
  2. Select Category Specific Add/Update template from the menu.
  3. Select the desired integration, followed by Download Template.
  4. Open the sheet and input all the desired information.
  5. Head back to Import/Export page and click Upload Template.

If you need less information, and just want to fix errors, you can use the Missing Category Specific template, or the Repair Incomplete Listings page. 


The Image Edit template allows you to edit any information on the Image tab. Adding images here will remove the sync between the Product Catalog and the Market Listing. If you want your images to be in sync, consider using the Product Edit template. Learn more

  1. From the menu bar, go to Reports and select Import/Export from the menu.
  2. Select Image Edit template from the menu, followed by Download Template.
  3. Open the sheet and input all the desired information.
  4. Head back to the Import/Export page and click Upload Template.

Need to view the status of your bulk template upload? Review the bulk upload history page.

We've talked about products and listings at length. Let's explain how your inventory is handled. Continued learning

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