By turning on Vacation mode, Listing Mirror will update merchant fulfilled quantities on Amazon, Shopify, and Walmart to zero to prevent new orders from coming in while you're away.
Note: FBA or MCF (Multi-Channel Fulfillment) quantities will not be changed. Vacation mode will only affect merchant fulfilled inventory quantities.
Turn on Vacation Mode
- Go to Listings > select a marketplace from the menu:
2. From the Action menu, select Enable Vacation Mode:
The marketplace is now on Vacation Mode and merchant fulfilled quantities have been zeroed out. Be sure to repeat the steps above for your other marketplaces that support Vacation Mode.
Back from vacation? Repeat the steps above and select Disable Vacation Mode from the menu.
NOTE: Your customers can still place orders for listings with errors, warnings, or an Incomplete status because Listing Mirror isn't able to control the available quantities for these
🚨 Be sure to make corrections or remove these listings from Listing Mirror and the marketplace before you leave.