Add HTML to your eBay descriptions using Simple Listing Templates

Learn how to use Listing Templates to add HTML descriptions to your eBay listings in Listing Mirror

Listing Templates offer a way to enhance your descriptions. There are 25 preset templates available for use. These can be switched at any time for a different look.

This feature is currently only available on eBay.

Select a Simple Listing Template for your descriptions

  1. From the menu bar, click Listings, followed by a supported marketplace.
  2. Click the Actions dropdown, followed by Edit Listing Template.
  3. Click Create New Template: 2024-06-11_14-00-14
  4. Select a template, followed by Save Changes.
  5. Click the Template Fields Tab to enter information into the optional text fields.

NOTE: The option to add an eBay store logo is not included in the simple template. A logo can be added using HTML but should only be attempted by someone familiar with HTML. 

Add your template to your listings

Individual Listings

  1. From the Manage Listings page, search for a product.
  2. Click Edit on the Market Listing.
  3. Locate Listing Template, and select the template from the dropdown.
  4. Save changes.

Multiple Listings

  1. From the menu bar, click Listings followed by a supported marketplace.
  2. Using the Actions dropdown, and click Profile IDs.
  3. Note down the desired ID.
  4. From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
  5. Using the dropdown, select Market Listing Core Edit, followed by the supported marketplace.
  6. In the sheet, locate the Listing Template column, and input the noted ID.
  7. Save changes, and upload the sheet.

Removing a template from your listings

  1. From the Manage Listings page, search for a product.
  2. Click Edit on the Market Listing.
  3. Using the Listing Template dropdown, remove the template.
  4. Edit the description field.
  5. Save changes.

Want to make your own Listing Template? Learn more