Purchase Order Overview

Create purchase orders for SKUs in your Vendor Catalog.

What is a Purchase Order?

A purchase order (PO) is a list of items you need to order from a specific vendor. You'll use SKUs in your Vendor Catalog to fill out how many of each item you need, and email it to your vendor for them to bill, fill, and ship those items to you. 

To create a purchase order, go to Inventory > select Purchase Orders from the menu:  

Create a Purchase Order

On the Purchase Orders page, you can search for existing purchase orders, or click +Add New Purchase Order to create a new one:


After clicking +Add New Purchase Order, you'll be on the Edit Purchase Order page:

All required fields are marked by a red asterisk (*) and must be filled out in order to save the purchase order.

  • Destination - The destination box contains what inventory source you want these items to be added to. This should be the MF inventory source, but if you have multiple warehouses, you can choose them from the drop down. There is also a field for any internal notes or details you'd like to add.
  • Vendor name and PO number - Here you'll choose which vender will be issued the PO. You will also be able to add a PO number, if you have a numbering system you can enter whatever number you'd like. If you don't fill that in, Listing Mirror will assign the number automatically starting at 1. 
  • Terms - If there are terms you need to dictate to the vendor, you can put them in this field. 
  • Internal notes - Any internal notes you'd like added to this field. The vendor will not see these notes.
  • Shipping strategy and cost - This is where you'll set up the shipping for this particular PO. If your vendor has a specific cost/method of shipping (like a price per item, or a flat rate) you'll fill out this information here.
  • Status - This is the status of your PO, is it a draft, in progress, and many other status states, they will show up here.
  • Line items - These are the items you're adding to be order on this PO. You can add them by typing the SKU in the Enter a SKU in the add new line item field.
  • Grand Total - This will be the total of all amounts of line items and any shipping you have included in this PO. 
  • Vendor email(s) - This is where you can add additional email addresses to receive this purchase order, but if there is an email address associated with the Vendor you have selected it will auto fill here. 
  • Save Purchase Order - You will click this to save the purchase order as a draft so you can make edits if you need before issuing. 
  • Issue Purchase Order - You will click this once you've fine tuned the PO and are ready to have it sent to the vendor.

Once you've saved or issued your purchase order, it will show up on the Purchase Orders page. From here you can view the purchase order history, download a PDF of a purchase order by clicking the view link, or click on the PO number to open it up and edit it.

After you receive the items, read here about Receiving Your Purchase Orders.