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  2. Getting Started: Setup


Welcome to Listing Mirror! Use this guide to get your account set up quickly and efficiently.

  1. Have login credentials on hand for Amazon and your other sales channels. You'll be prompted to log in as you connect each marketplace to your Listing Mirror account.
  2. Understand your SKU assigning system as it exists today. In other words, do your SKUs match across sales channels? This will be the greatest determining factor in how much setup time will be needed.

If SKUs do not match, you can make changes before connecting the marketplaces or join listings in Listing Mirror later. 

This process will require an initial time investment, but will save you time in the long run and ensure a consistent and efficient SKU system moving forward.


In the event a product is imported without a SKU, Listing Mirror will assign one automatically.


Step 1: Connect your marketplaces