Marketplace Listings | Listing Status

Each marketplace listing has a status. Here is the meaning of each:

  1. Pending full & quantity sync: Listing Mirror is waiting on a response from the marketplace.
  2. Pending sync: Listing Mirror is syncing out updated listing details or inventory quantities to the marketplace. 
  3. Error:  The marketplace has returned errors that need to be resolved. The listing is published on the marketplace. 
  4. Incomplete: The listing is missing required information. This stops the listing from being published on the marketplace. 
  5. Warning: The listing is published, but the marketplace has suggested that something on the listing should be fixed. 
  6. In sync: Everything is good and and the listing is in sync with the marketplace. 
  7. Active: The listing is on the Manage Listings page and you are controlling inventory and listing details in Listing Mirror.