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Low Stock Report

Use the Low Stock Report to track quantities of items you want to keep in stock.

You can find the report, go to Reports and select Low Stock from the menu.

Customize the Low Stock Report

  1. Quantity fell below: Set the minimum quantity threshold that triggers an alert when inventory levels drop below.
  2. Warehouse: select an inventory source warehouse or select all warehouses.

By default, the results are sorted by the most recent date an item's in-stock quantity fell below the threshold, but all columns can be sorted. 


⚠️ If a date is NOT displayed, the quantity of that item has always been below the threshold. 


Daily email alerts

  1. Set the quantity threshold and warehouse
  2. Click Sign up for email alerts and confirm

Download file

1. Click Download to download a .csv formatted file of that day's low stock report.

⚠️ The Low Stock Report is limited to a maximum of 10,000 SKUs.