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  2. Inventory Management

Manage your merchant fulfilled inventory

Learn how to view, manage, and update inventory for your businesses' warehouse on Listing Mirror


Once you've started syncing, you'll need to update your merchant fulfilled inventory quantities levels in Listing Mirror. 

Manage and add inventory sources

Listing Mirror assigns everyone a default merchant fulfilled inventory source when you sign up. When we import your listings, we also import your inventory levels, and assign them to this source.

Before you start syncing, it's important you verify your merchant fulfilled quantities are correct.

Add Inventory Source

If you have more than one warehouse, you can set up multiple inventory sources.

  1. To do this, go to Inventory > Show Inventory Sources.
  2. Click Add New Inventory Source.
  3. Enter the required information.

Update merchant fulfilled inventory

Individual Listings

  1. Go to Inventory Manage Inventory.
  2. Search for the SKU.
  3. In the Quantity field, input the number that reflects your inventory levels.

Multiple Listings

  1. Go to Reports > Import/Export and select the Quantity Update template from the menu. 
  2. Click Download Template.
  3. Open the sheet and input appropriate data based on the SKU.
  4. Head back to the Import/Export page and click Upload Template.
Additional details can be found in our support article How to use the Quantity Update Spreadsheet.

Inventory affected by sales or cancelled orders

Received Orders

After your customer pays for your product and the order is imported into Listing Mirror, we'll subtract the quantity purchased. Once subtracted, we'll inform other connected markets of the quantity change.

Cancelled Orders

When an order is cancelled, what happens to the quantity will depend on where the order is cancelled.

  • Listing Mirror: We'll provide you the option to return the quantity or not.
  • The Market: Regardless if done by you, or the customer, the quantity will be returned.
  • Past 14 Days: Regardless of location, the quantity will not be returned.

Need to view the status of your bulk template upload? Review the bulk upload history page.

Wrapping up inventory, let's talk about third-party inventory, such as FBA, WFS, and other 3PLs. Continued learning

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