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  2. Inventory Management

Review Inventory History of a Product

Review inventory changes for a specific product

Use Inventory History to you to see inventory changes for a product, its inventory source, and what caused the change. View page

View Inventory History

  1. To view a product's inventory history, go to Inventory > Manage Inventory
  2. Click the bar graph icon next to the products SKU and image: 2024-01-16_15-07-43

Understanding inventory history 

Below is an example of the inventory history page. Notice the quantity change in the FBA US and MF columns as orders are received:


  • Time: date and time the quantity was updated.
  • FBA, MF, etc.: the Inventory Source that had its quantity updated.
  • Reason: action that took place to change the quantity. (see below)
  • Details: additional details about the inventory update 


  • Activation: a product has been imported into Listing Mirror and added to your inventory.
  • API / FTP Sync: your API or FTP has updated inventory.
  • Bulk Upload: a user has updated inventory using a Bulk Edit Template.
  • Listing Edit: a user has updated inventory quantities in Listing Mirror.
  • Order: an order has been placed.
  • Qty Sync: Listing Mirror has received an inventory update from the marketplace that fulfilled the order. 

Note: Deleting a product from Listing Mirror will also remove it from Inventory History .