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How to publish listings on new marketplaces

Cross-list up to 10 SKUs on new sales channels.

Once you have successfully linked Amazon and other marketplaces, and added SKUs, the next step is to publish your listings on various sales channels.

  1. Go to Listings > Manage Listings.
  2. Click the "+" plus sign in the sales channel column for each listing you'd like to cross-list.

The listings will have a Pending status until the next inventory and quantity sync. 

You might be redirected to the Stranded Listings page or get an error message back from a marketplace letting you know that one or two of their required listing details are missing.

These alerts will be displayed on the Manage Listings page where you can click the listing's edit icon to review the message and enter the missing info. 


Quantities of your Amazon FBA listings will be updated automatically. To adjust inventory quantities of non-FBA listings, go to Inventory > Manage Inventory