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Get started listing on eBay

Learn how to use the data from your other market listings to create new eBay listings, avoiding common pitfalls

To begin, it is essential to ensure that your eBay seller account and eBay integration settings are correctly configured. Neglecting to do so may prevent your listings from going live.

Are you new to eBay?

eBay imposes selling limits on all sellers, including new users. These limits can be quite stringent for those who are new to the platform. Learn more

We offer you methods to bypass these limits by restricting the quantity sent. No matter how much quantity you have, we will always send eBay the exact number you provide until you are below that number.

All Listings

  1. From the Integrations tab, click Manage Integrations.
  2. Click any eBay channel and go to the Inventory section.
  3. In the Max Quantity field, input a number that reflects your limits.

You'll need to decide what works best for your business. If you're brand-new, we suggest limiting it to one.

Individual Listings

  1. From the Manage Listings page, search for your listing.
  2. Click the eBay Market Listing for the desired listing.
  3. On the Listings tab, locate the Max Quantity field, and input a number.

Assign eBay business policies

eBay requires sellers to have shipping, return, and payment policies set for their eBay listings.

I've already set Business Policies in My eBay account

If this has already been done in your My eBay account settings, you'll see them as options to select from in your Listing Mirror eBay integration settings: 


I haven't set Business Policies in My eBay account yet

If you haven't set business policies in your My eBay account yet, you will have the option to assign default policies provided by Listing Mirror.

Or, if you'd prefer to create new business policy options, head to your My eBay account and create a policy for shipping, returns, and payments. Learn more

Listing Mirror will import the newly created policies and add them to the available options on the eBay integration settings page in Listing Mirror. Keep in mind this may take a few minutes. 

Set Default Policies

  1. From the Integrations tab, click Manage Integrations.
  2. Click any eBay channel and go to the Business Policies section.
  3. Select a Business Policy for each shipping, payments, and returns.

If you've created listings already, use the Update checkbox to assign them.

Set Individual Policies

  1. From the Manage Listings page, search for your listing.
  2. Click the eBay Market Listing for the desired listing.
  3. On the Listings tab, locate the Shipping, Payment, and Return profile field, and select your policy.

List your products to eBay

Create Individual Listings

  1. From the Manage Listings page, find a product missing from eBay.
  2. Click the blue Add to Marketplace button.

Create Multiple Listings

  1. From the Manage Listings page, find a group of missing products on eBay.
  2. On the left, click the checkbox for each listing you'd like to create.
  3. Using the dropdown, click Create.
  4. Click the eBay checkbox, then hit Confirm.

Create Multiple Listings Using Spreadsheets

  1. From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
  2. From the dropdown, select Create & Delete, followed by Download Template.
  3. Once downloaded, open the sheet and input C in the marketplace column and SKU row for the desired product.
  4. Save the sheet, head back to the Import / Export, and click Upload Template.

You can read more about creating listings on our knowledge base. Learn more

Common Pitfall: Missing Category-Specific Fields

If it is not possible to automatically retrieve the required information from the imported listing data, eBay will require you to manually input the necessary data into specific category fields based on the category you are posting to.

Example Error: "The item specific Type is missing. Add Type to this listing, enter a valid value, and then try again."

Individual Listings

  1. From the Manage Listings page, click the Market Listing that has the error.
  2. Click the Category tab.
  3. Input data into any field that has a red asterisk.

Multiple Listings

  1. From the menu bar, click Listings, followed by Repair Incomplete Listings.
  2. Click eBay, followed by the Fill In Missing Data Fields dropdown.
  3. Input all required, followed by Update.

Curious about the Repair Incomplete Listings tool? Learn more (coming soon)

Multiple Listings Using Spreadsheets

  1. From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
  2. From the dropdown, select Missing Category Specific and eBay, followed by Download Template.
  3. Once downloaded, open the sheet and input appropriate data into any Yellow cell.
  4. Save the sheet, head back to the Import / Export, and click Upload Template.

Need to view the status of your bulk template upload? Review the bulk upload history page.

Don't have eBay? No problem! See our Walmart instructions. Continued learning

Confused? Contact support!