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  2. Manage Marketplace Listings

Fix listings with Errors or Incomplete messages

As listings are added to new marketplaces, you might see that some have errors or an incomplete message.

Number of listings with errors

  1. To view the total number of listings with an error, click the Dashboard tab and review the info in the Account Health tile.
  2. Hover over the Errors section of the graph to view the number of listings with errors: 2023-12-12_14-33-33

 View specific listings with errors

  1. Go to Listings > Manage Listings
  2. Scroll through your listings or select Errors or Incomplete to filter the results: 2023-12-12_13-04-55

Review details and correct errors or incomplete listings

  1. On the Manage Listings page, click the edit icon: 2023-12-12_12-59-03
  2. Errors messages are displayed under the product image: 2023-12-12_10-31-59

Error messages come directly from the marketplace as opposed to coming from Listing Mirror. 👆 In the above example, the message from eBay includes 3 different errors.


3. Scroll through the listing details to find the missing product information. Fields with a red asterisk are required. In this example, the missing details were found under the Category tab: 2023-12-12_13-22-19

4. Enter the missing details and click Save Changes