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Download a PDF of an issued Purchase Order

Learn how to download a PDF of your purchase order once it's been issued to your vendor

Download your PDF

  1. From the menu bar, click Inventory, followed by Purchase Orders.
  2. Locate any purchase order that's been set to Issued.
  3. Under the PO History column, click View.
  4. Click Download PDF.

PDF failed to generate

  • Reopen the purchase order, then issue it again in a few minutes.
  • Verify the email you're sending the purchase order to is valid.
  • Have the email recipient add noreply@listingmirror.com to their whitelist.
  • Add your email to the Vendor Email and issue the PO again.
  • On the Purchase Order page, right click, followed by Save As. Email the file to your vendor directly.

Sending multiple purchase orders may still trigger an email to your vendor. It's recommended to contact them directly to confirm receipt of the purchase order and avoid filling duplicate requests.