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Manage third-party inventory sources like FBA and SkuVault

Learn how Fulfilled By Amazon, Walmart Fulfillment Services, and other third-party logistics operate on Listing Mirror

Third-party inventory sources send inventory data and quantities to Listing Mirror. The Listing Mirror team has limited control of your 3rd-party inventory source. 

Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA)

Amazon account will give hourly updates on your FBA inventory. You can then sell this inventory on other platforms using Amazon's Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) program. Need to set up MCF? Learn more

Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)

Walmart will give hourly updates on your WFS inventory. Currently, WFS is limited to Walmart only, so you'll be unable to sell items in your Walmart warehouse on other platforms.


With SkuVault, you can manage your inventory on their platform, and allow us to send that inventory to a marketplace. If you're already using SkuVault, we recommend adding your connection, as we sync your inventory immediately, rather than at specific intervals. It also allows us to provide you with inventory-based tools, such as forecasting, inventory history, low stock alerts, and more.


With ShipNetwork, you can manage your inventory on their platform, and allow us to send that inventory to a marketplace. 

Additionally, when a customer places an order using ShipNetwork quantity, ShipNetwork will fill the order, and ship the item from their warehouse. 


We offer both File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Application Programming Interface (API) inventory updates. If you have an advanced inventory system, or use a platform that we don't integrate with, either of these would be the solution.

You can find documentation on the API here: Listing Mirror API docs

You can find documentation on the API here: Listing Mirror API docs

All requests to the API should be made to the base URL:



Finally, we'll wrap up by talking about your orders, and how inventory interacts with them. Continued learning

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