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  2. Order Fulfillment

Fulfill orders Merchant Fulfilled instead of FBA when an order includes multiple SKUs

If an order consists of more than one SKU, Merchant Fulfilled may be more cost-effective than FBA.

If Amazon FBA is your primary warehouse, you can automatically skip FBA and assign an order with more than 1 SKU to MF in order to save on FBA fees and shipping.  


Automatically skip FBA and assign orders to a MF warehouse

  1. Go to Integrations > Manage Integrations > select the marketplace
  2. Confirm Amazon FBA is the primary warehouse (also referred to as an "Inventory Source")  followed by the Merchant Fulfilled warehouse you'd like to use to fill orders that consist of multiple SKUs.
  3. Go to Inventory > Show Inventory Sources
  4. Select the Amazon FBA inventory source
  5. In the Max order size box, enter "1" 2024-08-06_11-56-46
  6. Click Update Inventory Source 

Now, when a customer places an order that consists of 2 or more SKUs, that order will be automatically assigned to your Merchant Fulfilled warehouse instead of Amazon FBA. 

NOTE: If a customer's order is in stock at Amazon FBA but not in your Merchant Fulfilled warehouse:

  1. Go to Orders > View Orders
  2. Click the Order #
  3. Click Send to MCF