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  2. Marketplace Settings and Integrations

Add and manage your integrations

Learn how to add and manage your integrations on Listing Mirror

An integration or channel is defined as any connection made to our platform. A list of integrations can be found on our website. Learn more

How to add a new integration

  1. From the menu bar, click Integrations, followed by Manage Integrations.
  2. On the top right, click Connect A New Integration.
  3. Search or select the desired integration.
  4. Follow all required steps.

We'll ask you a few questions about regarding how this connection will work on our platform. Once added, we'll import any listings that meet the import criteria. Learn more

If you don't see an advertised integration, or states, “Reach out to support”, or “Please upgrade your subscription”, contact support with the integration you'd like to add.

How to manage your existing integration

You can view your integrations on the Manage Integrations page.

Enable & Disable Integrations

  1. From the menu bar, click Integrations, followed by Manage Integrations.
  2. Select your desired integration.
  3. On the General tab, enable or disable your integration, and save changes.

When an integration is disabled, syncing to the marketplace will cease. In the event of a lost connection, we will promptly notify you via email and disable the integration.

Delete Integrations

It is important to note that only a disabled integration can be deleted. Please refrain from deleting an integration as a troubleshooting step, as it may cause further issues. Instead, we recommend refreshing your credentials if you are experiencing any problems with your integration. Learn more (coming soon)

  1. From the menu bar, click Integrations, followed by Manage Integrations.
  2. Select your desired integration.
  3. On the General tab, disable your integration, and save changes.
  4. Back on the Manage Integrations page, click Delete.

Now that you've added an integration, we'll import your listings. Continued learning

Confused? Contact support!