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  2. Manage Products Listings

Activate Inactive Listings

Activate an inactive listing and resolve possible errors

A listing might be inactive because it was recently imported or because the listing is missing required information.

View Inactive listings

Active listings can be found on the Listings > Manage Listings page.

1. To view Inactive listings, go to Listings and select a marketplace from the menu:

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2. On the marketplace listing page, click Advanced Search

3. Select Listing Status for the Search Type > select Inactive for the Listing Status

4. Click Add Term


Activate a single Inactive listing

  1. In the Search bar, search by SKU
  2. Click the plug icon located above the listing's image to activate the listing or display the reason the listing is still inactive. 

Activate All inactive listings

  1. On the marketplace listing page, click Activate All
  2. All eligible listings will be activated and added to the Manage Listings page.
  3. For any listings that remain on the page, click the plug icon located near the listing's image to review the reason the listing is still inactive.